bill’s story
Bill lost a child due to abortion many years ago. And like so many other men, he discovered that no amount of denial could make the long-lasting effects of his loss go away… Eventually he discovered healing through a faith in Jesus Christ, and he now loves to share this hope with other men who are hurting.
In his own words, Bill says this:
“I believe there’s a lot of spiritual deception and denial concerning abortion that exists among men today. I’ve experienced it in my own life and fell victim to its destructive agenda.
A man’s involvement in an abortion decision strikes against the very purpose for which he was created—to pro-create, to protect, and to provide for life on this earth. These God-given character qualities are the very identity of a man.
When I chose to end the life of my child, not to protect his life, not to provide for his life, I made a choice to deny who God created me to be. I bought the lie that it was not my decision. I was deceived. And it damaged my heart and soul.
By God’s mercy, my eyes have been opened to the truth and my heart has been healed from these wounds. God restored me through the work of Jesus, and it’s my deep conviction that he can restore other men too.”
Would you like to talk to Bill about your own abortion experience? Contact him now and start the road toward healing.
Bill: 616.706.7674