sharing our stories
One of the best ways to work out your feelings about your abortion is to hear another post-abortive woman share from her heart. The situation that brought her to an abortion clinic may differ from yours, but what you experienced afterward will likely be the same.
Check out stories from Dense and Michelle - our post-abortive counselors - and maybe you’ll find there’s hope for your own journey too.
I had an abortion
One of our favorite words is “hope.” But for women who’ve experienced abortion, hope can seem impossible. The pain and guilt become overwhelming—sometimes you wonder how you’ll ever go on living a normal life. But your past choice doesn’t have to define you today. You can be forgiven, and you can live a good and honorable life. We know—because we’ve seen it happen time after time. Let us help you take your first step toward healing today.
is this you?
Guilt. Anxiety. Sadness. Sleeping problems. These feelings can choke the joy out of a woman’s life after she’s experienced abortion. And far too often, women struggle with these painful aftereffects alone. But healing is possible. And there are others who’ve been through this journey, ready to help you through it, too.
Your abortion might have been your choice, or you felt pressured that it was your only option. Maybe you didn’t even have a say. In any case, you had no idea how it would affect you.
Do you avoid people, places and things that remind you of your abortion?
Do you want to keep your abortion(s) a secret?
Since your abortion, have you had difficulty maintaining healthy relationships?
Do you fear punishment from God?
Do you feel that you are alone, with no one to talk to? No one that understands?
Have any of the following been an issue for you since your abortion?
Eating disorders
Increased us or abuse of drugs/alcohol
Suicidal thoughts
Nightmares, flashbacks, or difficulty sleeping
Anger, irritability, sadness, or depression
Guilt or shame
If you answered yes to these questions, you may be affected by Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS).
It’s time to make a choice again. Make a choice to heal, to become strong, to be restored. Let us help. We offer a confidential, safe and nonjudgmental environment where you can begin the healing process.
garden of hope memorial garden
We know you’ll never forget the day of your abortion—and all the pain that went with it. That’s why we’ve created a physical space in Grand Rapids where women can bring their heartache. It was especially designed to remind you of the tender love and acceptance that Jesus offers. Whether you can visit it physically or you take a virtual peek, we hope you’ll experience the peace and forgiveness growing at our Garden of Hope.