michelle’s story
Scared and under intense pressure by her boyfriend, Michelle chose to over twenty years ago. She still remembers the whirlwind of pain from that day—both physical and emotional. Over time, the physical wounds went away, but for many years, Michelle struggled quietly with regret about her abortion.
Feelings of insecurity and shame plagued Michelle, no matter how hard she tried to project a confident image. Living with the secret of her abortion, she felt isolated, unable to share about one of the hugely significant events in her life.
Eventually, Michelle found a group of women where she felt safe. Where she could share her story and begin to work through her wounds from the past. Today, she feels whole and healed—and her heart’s desire is to help other post-abortive women find healing too.
In her own words, Michelle says:
My abortion was over twenty years ago. I am deeply passionate about reaching out to other women that have been hurt by abortion. As a society we cry out ‘It’s a woman’s choice.’ But once she makes that decision no one wants to talk about it, and it becomes a secret. We are a part of this club that is held to secrecy, so most of us sit in silence and hide our pain. I want to break that silence. I want to reach out to anyone that has been hurt from abortion. I’m willing to share my story and my heart so that others can start to heal.
If you’re struggling with the secret of a past abortion, and need someone to talk to, Michelle understands. She’s one of our post-abortion counselors, and would be happy to talk with you.
Need to talk to someone about your abortion?
Michelle understands and can help. Call or text her anytime.
Not ready to talk but still need help?
Learn about Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS)
and see if you’re affected...
Surrendering the Secret – a post-abortion Bible study resource